S.6 Explosion of the gaseous sky of a fixed roof tank
Occurrence condition
The main events likely to cause an increase in internal pressure are:
heating of the gas phase of the tank following an external fire,
accidental pressurization following overfilling, malfunction of the pressure control device,
an explosion inside the vessel following the ignition of a flammable mixture,
a rapid increase in internal pressure due to a runaway reaction, or a mixture of incompatible products
The consequences of a capacity bursting are:
on the one hand the emission of a pressure wave, which results from the sudden expansion of the fluid contained in the capacity at the time of rupture and,
on the other hand the projection of the envelope fragments.
Other phenomena can be generated by the bursting of a capacity such as, for example, the formation of a ball of fire, or a secondary explosion, due to the expulsion of a flammable mixture during the explosion. bursting, or the atmospheric dispersion of toxic substances contained in the container.
S.6 Explosion of the gaseous sky of a fixed roof tank
Occurrence condition
The main events likely to cause an increase in internal pressure are:
heating of the gas phase of the tank following an external fire,
accidental pressurization following overfilling, malfunction of the pressure control device,
an explosion inside the vessel following the ignition of a flammable mixture,
a rapid increase in internal pressure due to a runaway reaction, or a mixture of incompatible products
The consequences of a capacity bursting are:
on the one hand the emission of a pressure wave, which results from the sudden expansion of the fluid contained in the capacity at the time of rupture and,
on the other hand the projection of the envelope fragments.
Other phenomena can be generated by the bursting of a capacity such as, for example, the formation of a ball of fire, or a secondary explosion, due to the expulsion of a flammable mixture during the explosion. bursting, or the atmospheric dispersion of toxic substances contained in the container.

Strengthening cross-border capacity
for control and detection of CBRN substances
(Chemical - Biological - Radiological - Nuclear)
in North Africa - Sahel - Mauritania

Jean Jacques MINARD
Team Leader
Mr. Jean-Jacques MINARD, is an expert consultant in the customs field, who during his career at the French customs general directorate (senior director) was posted to the DNRED, at the port of Le Havre, at Paris CDG airport and at the Paris customs surveillance division and more specifically in charge of the customs coastguard system then of the direction of studies at the National School in Tourcoing.
He is a lecturer at the Higher School of Private Research Agents (ESARP).
He participated in several cooperation missions as head of a twinning project with KOSOVO customs, customs expert for the restoration of state authority in the CENTRAL AFRICA and previously as an auditor and trainer in MOROCCO, TUNISIA, PALESTINE, ROMANIA and BULGARIA.

Quentin MICHEL
Pr. Quentin Michel is ordinary Professor of European Studies at the Department of Political Science, University of Liege. He regularly provides expertise relative to export control regimes for national and international organisations. His current fields of research are: decision-making process of EU Institutions, in particular the role of informal governance; dual-use items export control regimes: ongoing research is mainly devoted to the increasing responsibility of industries and exporters in the proliferation risk analysis; EU sustainable development policies in regard to its links with other policies (impact assessment studies); and nuclear regulation policies.

Mr. (Dr.) Sylvain Paile-Calvo is Senior Researcher at the European Studies Unit - Department of Political Science of the University of Liège. Jurist and political scientist, his research revolves around several areas: CBRN risk management law, non-proliferation policies and control of strategic trade (weapons and dual use), European defence. He has made numerous publications in these themes and teaches in several European universities and military academies.
He has contributed to several projects of the CBRN Centers of Excellence of the European Union and leads the EU's P2P program on the control of trade in dual-use goods in Southeast Asia.

Veronica VELLA
Ms. Veronica Vella is a Researcher, Assistant and PhD student at the European Studies Unit - Department of Political Science of the University of Liège. She has policy and legal expertise in strategic trade control systems and regimes, the legal framework of which is the subject of her doctoral research. She provides external legal expertise for projects intended for national and international public institutions in the field of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons as well as for cooperation programs of the European Union. She is also Advisor to the Dual Use Unit of the University of Liège.
She has made several publications, notably in specialized scientific journals.

Dominique BONJOUR
Colonel Dominique BONJOUR, legal expert in fire-explosion at the Court of Appeal of Bordeaux, is the CEO of the firm BJR EXPERTISE founded in 2013.
Since that date, he has participated as Key Expert and Team Leader in various European and IAEA projects for the benefit of partner countries in Southeast Asia, West Africa, Maghreb, Sahel, Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, …
A chemical engineer by training, he was a professor at the National Polytechnic Institute in post at the National School of Chemistry, Biology and Physics of BORDEAUX for 12 years and a senior professional firefighter for 25 years.
A specialist in industrial risks, he was responsible for the Natural and Technological Risks Commission of the National Federation of Firefighters and the French representative on the International Hazmat Commission of the CTIF, bringing together specialists in interventions on hazardous materials from 17 countries.
He is involved in the 55 FRONSEC project as a CBRN key expert on work modules 2 and 3.

Patrick GLAD
A lawyer by training, Mr. Patrick GLAD is an expert consultant in customs matters.
During his career with the French Customs and Indirect Rights Administration of French Customs, he held a wide range of functions within this administration: investigator, collection of duties and taxes, recovery, head of a territorial customs division , surveillance at Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport, head of support functions for an interregional customs department.
He participated in European missions such as, for example, in Kosovo, and ensured the reception of customs officers from various African countries during their study stay with French customs.

Mr. Jean-Luc QUEYLA is an expert consultant in the field of civil protection, risk management and crisis management. He had a career as a professional fire officer. In particular, he held the positions of departmental director of the Lot-et-Garonne fire and rescue services, head of the office of volunteer firefighters and citizen engagement at the Ministry of the Interior (general directorate of security civil society and crisis management) and head of the Greater Avignon territorial grouping.
He was also a lecturer at the higher school of firefighters officers (ENSOSP), the CNFPT and at several universities (Avignon, Montpellier, Bordeaux and Mulhouse). In particular, he was in the teaching team of the Master 2 "civil security risk law" at the Faculty of Law of the University of Avignon.
He has participated in the writing of several works on civil security and risk management (Civil security in France, Survival manual in the face of attacks and natural or industrial disasters).

Expert Retired senior executive from the DGDDI, General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Taxes. Expert consultant in organization and customs law.
Martin SERRET has held various positions of responsibility during his career in Customs in Lille, Rouen, Le Havre, Roissy, and at the National Customs School of Tourcoing as director of initial training for student customs inspectors.
Investigator and Head of Research at the DNRED and head of the Regional Investigation Service in Lille.
Participated in several training actions led by ADETEF as part of the EU pre-accession system in Turkey and Romania, as well as a training mission in Beirut for the Lebanese Customs.

Alexandre CUSTAUD
Mr. Alexandre CUSTAUD has been CEO of ISA - Intelligence & Science Applications since October 2012.
He is involved in the project 55 FRONSEC as a CBRN expert and coordinator of the E-Learning - Serious Game - Knowledge Management.
He has participated in several projects, funded by the European Commission DG INTPA under the CBRN Centers of Excellence initiative, including project 35 (SAFE-WASTE), projects 41 & 69 (INSTASUR), and project 71 (SECTRANS).
Since 2005, he has participated as Scientific Director, Partner, and member of Scientific & Technical Advisory Boards, to around twenty projects financed by the European Commission within the framework of Security Research programs (PASR, FP7-ESRP, H2020 and recently Horizon Europe).

Adrian is a retired senior UK police officer with over 30 years’ experience in law enforcement, specialising primarily in ‘Investigation’, ‘Intelligence’ and ‘Analysis’. Since his retirement in 2015, Adrian has worked for Sustainable Criminal Justice Solutions (SCJS), a UK not for profit global capacity building organisation, as a programme manager and learning and development lead. As a ‘Rule of Law’ expert, Adrian has provided specialist services on long term projects in Turkey, Pakistan, Georgia and Albania. SCJS is a trusted delivery partner for projects financed by both the EU and UK government. In this regard Adrian has led the oversight of CBRN Centre of Excellence projects managed by SCJS. To date these include P53, P54, P55, P61, P67 and P81.

Dr. Vardulakis has over 15 years of experience in the development and application of CBRNE detection technologies and border controls. He has worked in UK Government, at the European Commission and in the private sector across a range of projects concerning CBRNE detection and measurement and operational security. At the UK Home Office, he supported the development and implementation of a European test, evaluation and certification system for aviation security screening instrumentation.
Dr. Vardulakis currently researches novel sensing devices and detectors, and has helped to develop detection algorithms, test methods and standards, and guidance for border security for the UK Government, the European Commission, IAEA, United Nations, and international standards organisations.
He has led and supported training, exercises and needs assessment activities internationally for the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence, UNOCT and the OSCE.

Mr. Loïc BOUVET, director of the company CITRUS E-LEARNING, acts as an expert consultant for the implementation of the e-learning part (distance) of the training courses in the field.
Coming from CESI technical training in software engineering and management of large projects, he designed and implemented the Disegno e-learning solution (By Citrus). This e-learning solution has now been widely used by firefighters as well as by industrialists and companies linked to the CBRN sector for nearly fifteen years, in several countries and different languages.
He also participates in project management assistance missions on behalf of state entities.

Mr. Lionel HUTEAU, pedagogical manager of the company CITRUS E-LEARNING brings his pedagogical expertise on the structure and the implementation of e-learning training.
During his career, he also held various responsibilities on major technical projects for Valéo, CGI and IBM (in collaboration with the teams at Hursley and Toronto) then for Google France in order to ensure the quality control of the semantic relevance.
It comes from technical training at the Ecole Polytechnique and CESI.

A journalist by training (ESJ-Paris), Vincent Garrigues has been managing the consulting firm Méroé Global since 2017, specializing in editorial strategies and digital reputation management.
By creating languages and content with high added value, he supports business leaders, opinion leaders, institutions and artists in developing their public notoriety.
He previously worked for several years in the French and South African public audiovisual sector, was a correspondent in London, Nouméa and Tangier and he still publishes occasionally in the Travel pages of Figaro.fr, extending his experience as an investigator for Michelin.
A long-time expatriate, he led MEAE and CCI cooperation and communication projects, and worked in the field of public affairs in Africa and the East. He is a member of EuroMed/IHEDN.